Pow 17 Spells: Sting, Worship
Pow 17 Spells: Sting, Worship
New Priestess and Head of convent. Pow: 14 Spells: Sting, Glamour
Awol officer. Met LC at the Convent at the start of the war. Fairly upbeat despite trauma. Starting to take authority in the Glamazons.
Shiran born unglamorous Glamazon. Mercenary mostly.
A high born third (inheritanceless) daughter and was thoroughly trained for a cavalry career she never pursued. Educated and personable Glamazon.
One of “the cousins”. Excellent fighter . Hangs with Melona.
One of “the cousins”. Her brother is the lord near Velchio. She is an excellent fighter and dilettante. Hangs with Frieda and Melona.
One time Halean super spy. Resurrected twice by LL and now is the religions first martyr.
His girlfriend’s name is Greta.
Long time and long suffering member of the cult. Runs the bath. 13 POW
A personal servant of LC. From Velchio. Knows the Satyr.
A lia-leath from Persimmon. Pick pocket, excellent tail and occasional pro. Important spy and friend of Mallona’s.
Professional spy and brava. Number two in the espionage game.
Initiate from Persimmon. Only person who knows message ritual. LC’s acolyte. Pow: 15 Int: 17 Dream a Little Dream
Engaged to Franca Assistant to Humberto Talented forger Can keep books
LC’s young protege. Young but tough and clever. Leads teen girl squad. Pow 11
Refugee from Parsimmon. Created her own temple while an initiate. POW: 15 Spells: Sting
Count’s widow, rich, surprisingly competent and politically agile. LC’s oldest friend. POW 21 INT 15
Transgender and savior of Franca.
Hannah’s squire. Now close to Verona and Myrna.
Very big woman, Siz:18. One time follower of Amarante.
Bold, brash, clever.
Awol from Shiran Legion and family.
Probably the best fencer in the organization. Atk:92 Par:85
Pow:16 App:16 Size:9 Dex: 16 10 Divine Spells
Works for Joan as accounts payable, so to speak. App:16 Size:16
Size:17 50 yrs old
Priestess, Cardinal COO – Cardinal of administration 29 years Pow:20
Despite an abundance of the charms applicable Joan is no courtesan but an accountant. Perhaps the most beautiful in the world. 33yrs 5”7″ 148 Religion: Lia Leath Lay Hair: Red Eyes: Blue Attributes: STR 10 CON 8 SIZ 14 DEX 16 INT 17 POW 14 APP 16 Spells None Skills Eroticism 33 First Aid 35 Scan 52 Listen 48 Ride 28 Tete e Tete 41 H Lore 80 Bargain 87Evaluate 94 Fast Talk 71Speak Kandayic 27 Fashion Chic 42 Correspondence 72 (General) Law 66 Weapons 1H Sword Damage:1d6 Atk:47 Par:43 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:43 Par:35 Pistol Damage: 1d10 Atk: 31
Pow:21 Str:15 App:15. She is a Cardinal. Magical genius. Allied Spirit:13 Birthday circa Feb 18th. She is 34 at beginning of year 5.
Awol from frontier troops. About to be Ursala’s second in command of the Glamazons. Not very glamorous – military and country. Skills Sword 1d8+1 (plus damage) ATK 71 PAR 65
Now posses an 8 power spirit that creates a horrible screaming noise when summoned. She is in Velccio being trained by Laughing Sister and Friendswood. Has discovered a taste for the hard life and violence. She is physically brave and has leadership qualities. She is wanted by Heleans for work at the country house. Attributes Pow 15 Con 14 Skills Orate: 44
Initiate, Lady in Waiting, She is a secretary but will be working with Elke, Age: 21. She has excellent handwriting. Friends with Taloolah. Attributes Pow: 16 Skills Religious Lore: 61
Birthday Nov 17th Age: 22 yrs She is basically my surrogate. My hostess. She handles the domestic staff. She is the political face of my house in the neighborhood – she makes important decisions regarding our relations / neighborhood. Very popular. She is a laymember of Lia Leath. Fiance is James Joyce. Attributes: Int 15 App 14 Dex 11 Pow 11 Skills Tet e tet 38
Rethemian born personal guard of LC. Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:78 Par:67Musket Damage:2d8 Atk: 75
Sister who fancies herself the next in line. Thief name: Ghiacci. She is a Capo. Just shy of being Underboss. 24yrs 5”4″ 120 LK and LL Hair: Brown Eyes:Brown Birthday: July 30th Attributes STR11 CON14 SIZ10 DEX14 INT15 POW11 APP15 HP 12 Magic Points: 11 | Hit Points: 12 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP 4/0 3/3 5/4 4/4 4/3 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missle 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Spells Glamor Skills Eroticism 53 FastTalk 52 Sleight 27 Evaluate 61 Search 42 Ride 25 Cant 20 Climb 55 Tete 31 HLore 31 Sewer 22 Pharmacology 47 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:48 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:53 Par:44 Musket Damage:2d8 Atk:65 Knife Damage:1d4+2 Atk:46 Par:38 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:65 Par:56 Not quite the youngest sister…but deadlier.
Used to Be Mystery woman of the Glamazons. Soon to Be Knight of the Dona. For a person of violence, she has a calming presence. 26 yr 5”8″ 128 Lia Leath Hair: Black Eyes:Blue ATTRIBUTES STR 14 CON 15 SIZ 14 DEX 16 INT 13 POW 14 APP 16 HP 15 Magic Points: 16 | Hit Points: 15 Head Arms Chest Abdomen Legs HP 5/0 4/3 6/4 5/4 5/3 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missle 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Spells None Skills Ride 42 Climb 64 Throw 44 Tet e tet 33 First Aid 21Listen 64 Scan 61Disguise 18 Kandayic 21 Conceal 40 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:65 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:74 Par:68 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:71 Par:62 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:55 Par:52 Grapple Atk:44 Raised in a well to do family outside of Shiran, previously known as Eve – she early on took up the life as as adventuress.
The Spiritual Poet of Lia Leath. Was the Chronicler of the life of La Coscietta. 48yrs 5”8″ 125 Lia Leath Hair: Blond Eyes:Green Attributes STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 11 DEX 13 INT 16 POW 9 APP 13 HP 12 Spells Befuddle Sanctify Soul Sight Dream A Little Dream Dismiss Magic Skills Ride 24 Orate 86 Thardic 91 Thardic 30 Cant 19 Human Lore 56 Kandayic 27Composition 79 World Lore 39 Weapons Fist Damage:1d3 Atk: 32 Parry: Famous Poetess of Shiran…
Capo, Lead second story man and now Consigliere as of Muna’s death 30yrs 5”10″ 155 LiaKavar 2 Hair: Brown Eyes:Green Attributes STR13 CON16 SIZ12 DEX15 INT16 POW12 APP14 HP 14 Spells Befuddle Skills Climb 90 Devise 80 Sneak 83 Hide 70 Evaluate 74 Bargain 61 Cant 32 Search 87 Fast Talk 41 Sewer 26 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:46 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:35 Par:35 Knife Damage:1d4+2 Atk:72 Par:62 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:65 Par:50 For someone La Coscietta came across on a gibbot, Crispin has proved himself invaluable to The Gang. He and Murray make up the Capos of her organization. She relies on Crispin to plan out any second story work. He is smart and will argue with her to her best interest. He is loyal but keeps to himself.
Known as La Mellona by her cell. There are those who think she is a psychopath. Devout to La Coscietta. The Dona’s personal internal spy. 25yrs 5”4″ 120 LK and LL Hair: Brown Eyes:Brown Attributes STR11 CON14 SIZ10 DEX14 INT15 POW11 APP15 HP 12 Spells Glamor Skills Eroticism 53 FastTalk 39 Sleight 22 Evaluate 31 Search 42 Ride 17 Cant 6 Climb 55 Tete 31 HLore 25 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:32 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:53 Par:44 Musket Damage:2d8 Atk:65 Knife Damage:1d4+2 Atk:46 Par:38 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:65 Par:56 La Coscietta “saved” Mellona in prison and took her in after she got out of prison. Was La Coscietta”s “official” heir apparent of the religion and runs her own cell. Has many of the spy group devoted to her. Minka the Twist is very close to her. Publicly known as Conchita (La Coscietta’s “cousin”)
General, Bandit Cheiftan and was my main Heart Throb 27yrs 6”0″ 135 LiaKavar 3 Hair: Sandy Blonde Eyes:Hazel Attributes STR 14 CON 15 SIZ 15 DEX 13 INT 15 POW 9 APP 14 HP 15 Magic Items Protection +2 fetish Protection from Scrying gets to resist and tells him it happens Skills Ride 97 A Lore 82 W Lore 67 Conceal 58 Scan 88 Track 61 Search 77Orate 62 Throw 50 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:82 Par: 1 H Sword Damage:1d8+2 Atk:79 Par:71 Hatchet: Damage: 1d6 Atk:65 Par:52 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:81 Par:77 La Coscietta and Omar have known each other just 6 months before the game time line began. His quick rise to Bandit King of Hefiosa brought him fame (or infamy), power, and money…
Con Artist and Witch – she provides the practical potions for the cult. 55yrs 5”3″ 99 LK and LL (but does not see the difference) Hair: gray / more salt than pepper Eyes: Blue Attributes STR08 CON16 SIZ09 DEX14 INT15 POW17 APP09 HP 13 Spells Detect Magic Detect Silver Counter Magic 2 Skills Fast Talk 97 Orate 53 Cant 58 Craft Potion 67 Evaluate 81 Human Lore 78 Plant Lore 47 Sleight 83Enchantment 35 Intensity 35 Weapons Dagger Damage:1d4+2 Atk:61 Par:49 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:67 Par:53 Carol creates the potions that make it so the girls don”t get pregnant. She keeps experimenting with different types of potions – some that work …some less so…
Age 25 Gender F Hgt 5” 4″ Wgt Religion: Initiate Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Figure 34B-23-32 Attributes STR 11 CON 11 SIZ 11 DEX 15 INT 14 POW 16 APP 16 Piety 63 Skills Eroticism 62Bargain 46 Evaluate 30 Human Lore 28 Other Information Taloolah is a Priestess. She is friends with Amelia. Educated in Lia Leathism. Provided useful info to La Coscietta. Has Magic anti-pregnancy device.
Political Counselor and first Male Lia Leath 36yrs 6”1″ 148 Lia Leath Hair: Salt & Pepper Eyes: Brown Attributes STR 12 CON 14 SIZ 15 DEX 14 INT 18 POW 9 APP 14 HP 15 Spells None Skills Ride 42 Eroticism 22 Orate 66 H. Lore 87 Bargain 75 Tete e tete 73 Scan 55Listen 62 Speak Kandayic 33 Dance 25 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:64 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:83 Par:75 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:65 Par:57 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:52 Par:45 Found Umberto wandering the streets of Shiran following my carriage. He seemed like he could fight once he had been fed …turns out he is a political genius.
War Counselor and Chief of Staff (head of my and religion’s body guard) of La Coscietta. Capitana of the Glamazons 29yrs 5”10″ 158 LiaLeath Hair: Blond Eyes:Blue Attributes: STR 16 CON 16 SIZ 15 DEX 13 INT 14 POW 12 APP 16 HP 16 Magic Points: 12 | Hit Points: 16 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP 6/0 5/3 8/4 6/4 6/3 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Spells None Skills Ride 77 Eroticism 41 Scan 65 Thardic 30 Listen 60 H Lore 32 Sewer 14Jump 67 Throw 80 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:80 Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:86 Par:73 Musket Damage:2d8 Atk:65 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:75 Par:60 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:77 Par:62
Age 23 Gender F Hgt 5” 6″ Wgt Religion:Lia Leath (not religious) Hair: Blonde Eyes:Blue Figure: 34C-24-35 Attributes STR 8 CON 12 SIZ 13 DEX 14 INT 12 POW 8 APP 15 Piety 10 Skills Eroticism 63Bargain 54 Evaluate 60Human Lore 20 Other Information Vasser worked for Ed and sometimes worked with La Coscietta as a pair. She latched on to me. However, she is not religious which has caused tension. She works for Umberto
Age 18 Gender F Hgt 5” 6″ Wgt Religion:Lay member Lia Leath Hair: Dyed Red Eyes: Brown Figure: 32a-23-32 Attributes STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 9 DEX 14 INT 15 POW 14 APP 15 Piety 50 Skills Lady”s Maid 38Fast Talk 41Evaluate 32 Dagger A 49 P 44 1H Sword A 44 P 37 Other Information Was Mellona’s Lady’s Maid … she is an up and coming member of the Glamazons.
Mother of Dahlia and Mouse. Constable of Velccio 36yrs 5”6″ 135 Lia Kavar Hair: Black Eyes:Brown Attributes: STR 14 CON 13 SIZ 13 DEX 15 INT 14 POW 9 APP 12 HP 13 Magic Points: 9 | Hit Points: 13 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP x/5 x/4 x/6 x/5 x/5 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Modifiers Agil 4 Comm 5 Know 4 Manip 11 Perc 6 Stlth 2 Dam d4 Skills Climb 70 Ride 30 Fast Talk 31 Eval 44 H Lore 38 Devise 37 Sleight 63Search 82 Scan 92 Weapons Knife Damage:1d6 Atk:95 Par: 80 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:79 Par:75 Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:65 Rapier Damage:1d8+1 Atk: 58 Par: 51
About Friendwood ….. loyal personal guard, runs transport company with Laughing Sister in Velccio, 36yrs hgtx”x” wgt Religion Hair: color Eyes:color Attributes: STR 16 CON 14 SIZ 16 DEX 15 INT 15 POW 12 APP 9 HP 16 Magic Points: 12 | Hit Points: 16 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP x/6 x/5 x/8 x/6 x/6 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Modifiers Agil 0 Comm 5 Know 5 Manip 13 Perc 8 Stlth 0 Skills Ride 96 Craft Tack 75 A Lore 50 Eval 28 Conceal 52 Listen 90 Scan 92 Search 61 Track 57 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:86 Hatchet Damage:1d6+1 Atk:67 Par:58 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:62 Par:58 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:84 Par:77
About Laughing Sister …..came from Omar long ago. Now starting Transportation company with Friendswood. In Velccio 29yrs 5’6″ 140 Religion Hair: brown Eyes: hazel Attributes: STR 14 CON 16 SIZ 14 DEX 13 INT 14 POW 15 APP 8 HP 15 Magic Points: 15 | Hit Points: 15 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP x/5 x/4 x/6 x/5 x/5 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Modifiers Agil 1 Comm 5 Know 4 Manip 9 Perc 10 Dam d4 Skills Ride 91 Fast Talk 36 A Lore 32 Eval 28 Conceal 34 Listen 60 Scan 72 Search 53 Track 42 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:75 Hatchet Damage:1d6+1 Atk:58 Par:53 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:51 Par:47 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:79 Par:70
Ex-Urban Shaman. Non-Guilded Apothecary Physician. Triana is her assistant.
Pirate – Glamazon and believe in Lia Leath. Laughing Sister and Friendswood like her. Unknownyrs 5’8″ 110 Lia Leath Hair: Black Eyes: Dk Brown Attributes: STR 12 CON 18 SIZ 13 DEX 16 INT 13 POW 12 APP 15 HP 16 Magic Points: 12 | Hit Points: 16 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP x/6 x/5 x/8 x/6 x/6 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Modifiers Agil 4 Comm 7 Know 3 Man 10 Perc 8 Stlth 1 Dam d4 Skills Boating 43 Climb 70 Swim 40 First Aid 23 Shiphandling 19 Conceal 31 Scan 43Listen 45 Fast Talk 26 Weapons Cutlass Damage:1d6+2 Atk: 55 Par: 48 Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:30 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:51 Par:46 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:57 Par:54
Once a rising star among the young Mistresses of Shiran, through hell and back at La Coscietta’s whim, Harmony Ashe was the Glamazon one would most frequently find with the Dona on her trips into town. She became the personal secretary of the Dona after Muna’s passing. She is the lead secretary of La Cosicetta’s flank of women. Being groomed to be Umberto’s replacement. 23 yrs 5”4″ 107 Religion: Lia Leath Lay Hair: Black Eyes: Violet Attributes: STR 13 CON 11 SIZ 8 DEX 15 INT 14 POW 16 APP 17 Spells Sting Modifiers Has really high skills in debate, orate, and tete e tete. Skills Eroticism 46 Dodge 23 Jump 49 Throw 53 First Aid 28 Scan 42 Listen 56Phys Ed 24 Ride 25 Tete e Tete 83 29 H Lore 45 Bargain 41Evaluate 47 Craft: Sewing 30 Correspondence ? Weapons 1H Sword Damage:1d6 Atk:51 Par:43 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:38 Par:30
Age 33 Gender F Hgt 5” 6″ Wgt Religion:Initiate Hair: Grey/Blonde Eyes: Lt Blue Figure: 36C-28-36 Attributes STR 10 CON 13 SIZ 11 DEX 10 INT 16 POW 15 APP 14 Skills Eroticism 5812 34 Other Information Blanche Dubois has been in the business for 10yrs – 7 of which were with Ed, She knows her way around a man. Evelyn Woods’ confidante and secretary.
The sister of a brother/sister duo who work came to work with the Gang but now works with RoseMarie – The Sisters of Kane. 25yrs 5’7″ 120 Lia Kavar Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Attributes: STR 13 CON 13 SIZ 14 DEX 15 INT 14 POW 12 APP 14 HP 15 Magic Points: 12 | Hit Points: 15 Head Arms Chest Ab Legs HP x/5 x/4 x/6 x/5 x/5 Melee 19/20 13-15R/16-18L 12 9-11 1-4R/5-8L Missile 20 16-17R/18-19L 11-15 7-10 1-3R/4-6L Modifiers Agil 1 Comm 7 Know 4 Man 11 Perc 8 Stlth 0 Dam d4 Skills Devise 80 Climb 91 Hide 55 Evaluate 50 Fast Talk 39 Conceal 88 Scan 72Listen 72 Search 79 Cant 25 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:30 Dagger: Damage: 1d4+2 Atk:63 Par:55 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:61 Par:58 Kick Damage:1d4 Atk: 40
The Male Member of the Glamazons 29yrs 5”10″ 155 LK Hair: Brown Eyes:Brown Attributes STR14 CON17 SIZ14 DEX14 INT14 POW12 APP14 HP 16 Spells None Skills Eroticism 43 FastTalk 59 Sleight 28 Evaluate 41 Search 72 Ride 37 Cant 6 Climb 55 Tete 31 HLore 55 Weapons Pistol Damage:1d10+1 Atk:42 Par: Sword Damage:1d8+1 Atk:77 Par:64 Musket Damage:2d8 Atk:65 Knife Damage:1d4+2 Atk:46 Par:38 Fist Damage:1d3 Atk:68 Par:56
Birth Name: Dolcinea Glazier | Birthday: April 30th Age 36 Courtesan Name: La Coscietta | Thief Name: Chartreuse Hgt: 6′ 1″ | Wgt: 165lbs | Meas.: 40DD 33 40 Attributes: STR 12 | CON 13 | SIZ 17 | DEX 17 | INT 18 | POW 21 | APP 16 (unmod) There were several spirits created by the pond event. One is a not so powerfull spirit that leads men to their doom (and others but this is the most dangerous one of the moment). One is a hot water spirit that is close to my power. Bought house across from Salt Works. rolled 23/100. It’s condition – there are 4 bedrooms. Balloon payment. Agility Climb 99 Dodge 26 Jump 88 Ride 48 Throw 51 Swim 16 Knowledge Craft Glass 69 Poison 30 Quick Apprehen 86 Disguise 47 Evaluate 97 First Aid 28 Human Lore 74 Whist 18 Cult Lore 26 Craft Spa Products 20 Communication Bargain 65 Fast Talk 100 Orate 83 Sing 19 Thardic 65 Cant 87 Tete-a-tete 91 Kandayic 56 Orbaalese 34 Plant Lore 33 Sewer Lore 73 Manipulation Conceal 42 Devise 59 Sleight 58 Dance 65 Eroticism 108 Piercing 20 Ball Room Dancing 31 Magic Ceremony 96 Ritual 72 Summon 27 Enchantment 23 Intensify 23 Perception Listen 98 Scan 96 Search 85 Track 16 Stealth Hide 54 Sneak 74 Weapons MELEE SRM 3 DAMAGE MOD D4 DEX SRM 2 SIZE SRM 1 Dagger Damage d6 + d4 A% 95 P% 74 AP Fist Damage d3 + d4 A% 68 P% 46 AP Kick Damage d6 + d4 A% 63 P% 42 AP Pistol Damage d10 A% 72 P% 41 AP Sword Damage d8 + d4 A% 78 P% 58 AP Grapple Damage A% 41 P% AP SPIRIT MAGIC RELIGIOUS Night Vision 1 Spell Teaching Dream A Little 2 Befuddle 2 Soul Sight Sanctity Iron Hand 1 Extension Divination Summon Glamour spell spirit Divination Block Emperor”s New Clothes cannot teach Sting Illusory Sound Am I Blue Dispel Magic Spirit Mag Find Water