Daily Archives: June 16, 2018

La Coscietta

Birth Name: Dolcinea Glazier | Birthday: April 30th Age 36 Courtesan Name: La Coscietta | Thief Name: Chartreuse Hgt: 6′ 1″ | Wgt: 165lbs | Meas.: 40DD 33 40 Attributes: STR 12 | CON 13 | SIZ 17 | DEX 17 | INT 18 | POW 21 | APP 16 (unmod) There were several spirits created by the pond event. One is a not so powerfull spirit that leads men to their doom (and others but this is the most dangerous one of the moment). One is a hot water spirit that is close to my power. Bought house across from Salt Works.  rolled 23/100.  It’s condition – there are 4 bedrooms.  Balloon payment. Agility Climb 99 Dodge 26 Jump 88 Ride 48 Throw 51 Swim 16 Knowledge Craft Glass 69 Poison 30 Quick Apprehen 86 Disguise 47 Evaluate 97 First Aid 28 Human Lore 74 Whist 18 Cult Lore 26 Craft Spa Products 20 Communication Bargain 65 Fast Talk 100 Orate 83 Sing 19 Thardic 65 Cant 87 Tete-a-tete 91 Kandayic 56 Orbaalese 34 Plant Lore 33 Sewer Lore 73 Manipulation Conceal 42 Devise 59 Sleight 58 Dance 65 Eroticism 108 Piercing 20 Ball Room Dancing 31 Magic Ceremony 96 Ritual 72 Summon 27 Enchantment 23 Intensify 23 Perception Listen 98 Scan 96 Search 85 Track 16 Stealth Hide 54 Sneak 74 Weapons MELEE SRM 3 DAMAGE MOD D4 DEX SRM 2 SIZE SRM 1 Dagger Damage d6 + d4 A% 95 P% 74 AP Fist Damage d3 + d4 A% 68 P% 46 AP Kick Damage d6 + d4 A% 63 P% 42 AP Pistol Damage d10 A% 72 P% 41 AP Sword Damage d8 + d4 A% 78 P% 58 AP Grapple Damage A% 41 P% AP SPIRIT MAGIC RELIGIOUS Night Vision 1 Spell Teaching Dream A Little 2 Befuddle 2 Soul Sight Sanctity Iron Hand 1 Extension Divination Summon Glamour spell spirit Divination Block Emperor”s New Clothes cannot teach Sting Illusory Sound Am I Blue Dispel Magic Spirit Mag Find Water