Birth Name: Dolcinea Glazier | Birthday: April 30th Age 36
Courtesan Name: La Coscietta | Thief Name: Chartreuse
Hgt: 6′ 1″ | Wgt: 165lbs | Meas.: 40DD 33 40
STR 12 | CON 13 | SIZ 17 | DEX 17 | INT 18 | POW 21 | APP 16 (unmod)
There were several spirits created by the pond event. One is a not so powerfull spirit that leads men to their doom (and others but this is the most dangerous one of the moment). One is a hot water spirit that is close to my power.
Bought house across from Salt Works. rolled 23/100. It’s condition – there are 4 bedrooms. Balloon payment.
AgilityClimb 99 |
KnowledgeCraft Glass 69 |
CommunicationBargain 65 |
ManipulationConceal 42 MagicCeremony 96 |
PerceptionListen 98 StealthHide 54 |
Allied Spirit’s name is Melpomene
Melpomene’s pow is 18
Passion, Guile and Vanity
Knights of Lea Leath
Spring – Vanity (La Luca)
Summer – Passion (Mellona)
Fall – Guile (Rosemarie)
Winter – Charity (Joachim)
From 21st – 23rd of the month I can polymorph self with a penis (for victory over Satyr; be able to more Satyr powers (such as fear – lust); ; I can shape the relic as I see fit; relic will have same abilities as before but better; Each participant created a pearl, the pearls combined in different groupings (like drops of water) and became spirit storage devices. 3 pearls with 6 points of spirit storage. Can call another allied spirit for myself or someone else.
la coscietta
Trip on Feb 2nd to vinyard
There were several spirits created by the pond event. One is a not so powerfull spirit that leads men to their doom (and others but this is the most dangerous one of the moment). One is a hot water spirit that is close to my power.
so birth control potion for the jar works based on astrological symbol. A day each month based on your birthday.
I was told that Helean priestess has bought property in Rulebooks area. He also told me good news that he knows people interested in a casino.
Reserve 2 of all potions
Created total of 16
Earned 1300 from passion potion
High-end make 50 48 for distribution
Low end make 60 distribute 58
Meet with Morgana and her man Monet – Monet will be going with – after breakfast
Zelma – have tea
Relic Anniv when Taloolah temple created Jan 22nd Year 6