KatarinaAwol officer. Met LC at the Convent at the start of the war. Fairly upbeat despite trauma. Starting to take authority in the Glamazons. February 22, 2019 in Glamazon by madam
PenelopeA high born third (inheritanceless) daughter and was thoroughly trained for a cavalry career she never pursued. Educated and personable Glamazon. February 22, 2019 in Glamazon by madam
Frida KahloOne of “the cousins”. Excellent fighter . Hangs with Melona. February 22, 2019 in Lia Leath / Melona's Crew by madam
Delores Del RioOne of “the cousins”. Her brother is the lord near Velchio. She is an excellent fighter and dilettante. Hangs with Frieda and Melona. February 22, 2019 in Lia Leath / Melona's Crew by madam